Shirvan rug (358) – SOLD
Shirvan prayer rug from eastern Caucasus
Age: circa 1880
Measurements: 4′.11"x3′.3" (150×99 cm)
The abrashed old ivory field displays five rows of colorful botehs alternating in orientation.Along the bottom of the field is a parade of horned four legged animals.Quincunxes,triangles,dots,and other geometric devices decorate the field beneath the floating faceted pink mihrab arch.A comb centers the arch and the spandrels above it display bug like palmettes.The red main border has animals at three corners and employ multicolor stylized S and star pattern.The navy outer border is ornamented with crosses and triangles and the inner keyhole reciprocal is in brown and dark blue.There are three barber pole lines in dark brown and white.The handle is soft and pliable.Although it is the Marasali style the weave assigns it to a Shirvan origin.All the colors are from natural sources.The rug is in good condition.SOLD
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