Shahsavan bags (209) – SOLD
Pair of Shahsavan sadllebags from north west Persia (Iran)
Age: circa 1865
Size: 4′.1"x1′.9" (124×53 cm)
This attractive and complete saddlebag set displays in each panel a double band in red and dark blue of lightly stylized birds.These panels are divided by a wide red,green and dark brown stripe and a double hook pattern and there are four ivory minor stripes with a connected red snowflake motif.The dark blue ground main border features polychrome eight petal rosettes.There are eleven barber pole lines in various positions on each face.The braided closure loops,multicolor tabs and colorful side cords are intact and so is the plain red woolen kilim back.The piece is a feast to the eyes.All the colors are fantastic and from natural sources including the aubergine and the burnt orange.The condition of this collectable piece is very good.SOLD
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