Qashqai rug (122) – SOLD
Qashqai rug from south west Persia (Iran)
Age: circa 1890
Size: 6′.1"x3′.7" (185×109 cm)
The royal blue field is anchored by a stepped pole medallion consisting of a red central lozenge and two larger ivory flanking lozenges.In the ivory panels are crosshatches and octagons centering crosses.The same motif is repeated in ivory in the central red submedallion.In the field there is a wide variety of nomadic patterns,color samplers,octagons,stars,animals,pinwheel rosettes,crosshatches and other interesting elements.The ivory main border alternates connected slanted leaves with hooked diamonds.The inner minor border has a floating S design and the outer employs a connected pendant pattern except at one end where it also employs the S motif.There are four quincunx lines present.The end panels are different:at the top is a zig zag pattern while at the lower end are two X patterned strips flanking a lazy S dark blue band.All the colors are from natural sources.The rug is in very good condition.SOLD
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