Milas rug (64)
Milas prayer rug from south west Anatolia,Turkey
Age: circa 1875
Measurements: 5′.2"x3′.8" (157×112 cm)
The pinched brick red mihrab contains two irregular rosette trellis devices.In the ivory spandrel area is a similar motif employing colorful palmettes.Along the interior edges of the mihrab are tiny oblique buds.The yellow main border displays aubergine palmettes with a smaller attendant multicolor buds,leaves,palmettes and rosettes.The inner border is in a close geometric vine pattern while the ivory outer minor border displays rosettes in various colors.There are two zig-zag guard stripes and six red and white barber pole lines.The red selvedges are wide and well preserved and match the upper kilim and the narrower lower end weave as well.All the colors are from natural sources.The condition of this charming rug is good.
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