Lesghi rug (608) – SOLD
Lesghi rug from Kuba district,eastern Caucasus,west coast of the Caspian Sea
Age: circa 1880
Size: 5′.0″x3′.5″ (152×104 cm)
The madder red ground employs two ivory/navy and one red/green stars.Interestingly the middle star is in a blue box filled with diamonds,quincunxes,lazy S’s hooked elements and other smaller devices.The rest of the field is covered with similar motifs as well as stars,small plantal forms and chevron like colorful motifs.The ivory main border is decorated with multicolor stylized S’s and the bottom part with lazy’ S’s and tiny diamonds.The flanking red and blue and red and abrashed green minor borders present reciprocal keyhole designs.There are four barber pole lines in the border system.All the colors are from natural sources.The wool is soft,the handle is pliable and the piece is in good condition.The bottom Lesghi star is out of line,an indication of a tribal piece and a great irregularity sought after by connoisseurs.SOLD
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