Kazak rug (593)
Karatchoph Kazak rug from southwest Caucasus
Age: circa 1890
Size: 6′.2″x3′.10″ (188×117 cm)
There are two ivory and one red octagons in the Karatchoph Kazak manner on a tripartite field with uniform checkerboard corners.The octagons are accented by bold internal hooks and barber poles surrounding inner medallions.The three medallions are divided and surrounded by a polychrome quincunx narrow band.The ivory main border shows floating rectangles with corner hooks in various colors.The inner and outer minor borders equally display red and dark blue keyhole reciprocals and there are four dotted barber pole lines in the border system.At each end is a red flatweave accented by a single extra weft cord.All the colors are from natural sources.The handle is moderately flexible. The selvedges are intact and the condition is good with even pile.
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