Karabagh rug (478) – SOLD
Karabagh prayer rug from southern Caucasus
Age: circa 1895
Size: 4′.10"x3′.5" (147×94 cm)
The navy ground displays diagonals of extremely stylized flowers in blue,cocheneil,ivory,red,green,yellow and purple.The flowers continue in a smaller scale into the spandrels which edge a yellow faceted arch.Cocheneil red is present in the main border and in a narrow line edging the field.The abrashed main border is ornamented with hooked diamonds and pairs of small rosettes.The inner ivory border displays a cross and X design similar to that of the mihrab arch.There is an outer minor border in a keyhole reciprocal in blue and dark brown.There are four two tone barber pole lines in the border system.The pile is good and the handle is pliable.All the colors are from natural sources.The piece is in good condition.SOLD
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